
Today as I am sitting and working away at my home office the rain and wind has picked up and it makes my heart warm. I am one of those people who loves the rain and cold.

While others get depressed in the winter I feel this is when I truly thrive. Nothing beats curling up on the couch with the window opening, listening to the rain as I sip my apple cider, hot coco or coffee. I tend to have the cat on my lap and a book in my hand. These are my favorite moments!

People who know my are well aware of my proclivity for the rain and although I love to be in it and listen to it, driving in it is another story. People on the road make me nervous and for some reason people drive even worse in the rain.

Another reason I treasure the rain is I live and have always lived in California and let me tell you, WE NEED THE RAIN! I am saddened by the hot drought filled summers followed by statewide wildfires polluting the air and destroying so much in its wake. Respect the rain for rain brings life!

Pluviophile definition

People that love rain are called pluviophiles. The word pluviophile comes from the Latin word “pluvial,” which means rain, and “phile,” which denotes a thing or a person. Therefore, a pluviophile is a lover of rain, or someone that finds joy and peace of mind during the rainy days.

Published in: on January 4, 2021 at 11:21 am  Leave a Comment  
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